SSKV Institution
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SSKV School History
The Hindu Girls’ School Union was established exclusively for girls in 1904 in Kanchipuram, by Sri Somasundara Sastriar and Sri Ramanatha Sarma. It was renamed the Conjeevaram Hindu Girls’ School Union in 1914 and renamed the Conjeevaram Hindu Education Society in 2003.
Today the Society runs a group of Institutions comprising of 5 Schools and a College situated in different campuses and has over 8000 students. All the Institutions provide the latest in laboratory facilities, well equipped libraries and amenities for audio visual education besides having a state-of-the-art Computer Centre.
The Music division provides facilities for learning vocal music besides instruments like, Veena, Violin, Key Board and Mridangam. The dance division is run with the help of two eminent dance exponents are teaching Bharatha Natyam to a large number of students. Sloka teaching also forms a part of the Music Wing. Many teachers and students eagerly learn slokas.
Last year, they were taught Soundariya Lahari and Abhirami Andhathi. This year, a master helps them to recite Vishnu Sahasranamam
The College started in 2007 had a strength of 300 students and has since moved into the sprawling new campus measuring 10 acres with modern building facilities. Excelling in all fields SSKV is the most sought after Educational Institution in this part of the State.