he famous Aagama Silpa Sadas conference attended by eminent archaeologists, ethnologists and philosophists was held here. The Dhakshimoorthy Arangam became part of the many chronicled discourses and rare appearances that the Mahaswamy made as Kings and commoners alike listened to him.
Earlier the revolutionary saint Sri Narayanaguru hallowed the premises by staying here. The Maharaja of Mysore, the Queen of Music Smt. M. S. Subbulakshmi, the King of Nepal, the then Governor of Madras Sri. K. K. Shah, Sri Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Sivaji Ganesan were some of our illustrious guests. Smt. Rukmani Devi Arundel was graceful enough to attend a function felicitating the then Headmistress Ms. Yashodha Bai.

The School had crossed the Golden Gate of 50 years of service to the society. Golden Jubilee was celebrated in a manner befitting an institution that had for its hallmark, culture and tradition, besides a high level of Academic Excellency.
Sri C. R Pattabhiraman, illustrious son of Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar and former Union Minister had succeeded as President of our Society. The property standing on West Raja street was sold at a concession to the Union by the sons of Sir C.P Ramaswamy Aiyar, Sri C.R Venkatasubban and Sri C.R. Pattabhi Raman. The School had become virtually the gravitating point in the town for renowned artistes and eminent visitors.
Mahaswamy Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathy personally blessed the occasion of the inauguration of the new open air theatre of the School set in the sylvan grove behind the School premises. With the serene figurine of Sri Dakshinamoorthy looking on benignly from the crown of the Arangam this Dakshinamoorthy stage for years to come, came to be associated with all the activities initiated by Mahaswami.